Friday, 7 August 2015

What Is "Good" Object Oriented Programming?


The term Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is so ubiquitous in modern software development that it has become a buzzword, appearing on every software engineer's résumé by default with little consideration for what it means to be good at it.

So what does it mean to be good at it?

Defining "Good" OOP

Providing a general definition of OOP is relatively easy:

"Instead of a procedural list of actions, object-oriented programming is modeled around objects that interact with each other. Classes generate objects and define their structure, like a blueprint. The objects interact with each other to carry out the intent of the computer program" (Wikipedia)

By contrast, a concrete definition of what makes for good OOP is tough to capture so concisely. Good OOP is defined by a small collection of detailed design principles that includes SOLID, Cohesion and Coupling and ultimately leads to the maximum flexibility, understanding and reusability of code possible.

In this post I'll be running through a real-world-like scenario and explaining how these principles make for good OOP along the way.

A Naïve Approach to OOP

I'll use the example of an ExchangeRate object that we'll want to validate, store in and retrieve from a database. It's common for a developer who's new to object-oriented programming to define such a class somewhat like the following:

public class ExchangeRate
    private const string ConnectionString = "...";

    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string FromCurrency { get; set; }
    public string ToCurrency { get; set; }
    public double Ratio { get; set; }

    public void Save()        
        using (var conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
            // TODO: write properties to table

    public static ExchangeRate Load(int id)
        using (var conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
            // TODO: Read values from table
            return new ExchangeRate(value1, value2, ...);

    public static bool Validate(ExchangeRate ex)
        // Validate currency codes
        // Validate that ratio > 0

The beginner designs the class this way because all of the methods and properties on the object feel like they belong together. Grouping code together based on their logical relation to the same thing like this is known as logical cohesion and while it works perfectly well at this scale, logical cohesion quickly has its downfalls.

Here's a rundown of the key problems associated with the class as it is currently designed:

  1. The class will become unmaintainably bloated as we add more and more functionality that relates to ExchangeRate.
  2. This bloat is compounded by the fact that if we later decide to allow load/save from other locations than a SQL database or to validate exchange rates differently depending on varying factors, we'll have to add more and more code to the class to do so.
  3. If the consumer of ExchangeRate doesn't use the SQL related methods, SQL related references are still carted around.
  4. We'll have to duplicate generic load/save code for every object we create beyond ExchangeRate. If there's a bug in that code, we'll have to fix it in every location too (which is why code duplication is bad news).
  5. We're forced into opening a separate connection for every save or load operation, when it might be beneficial to keep a single connection open for the duration of a collection of operations.
  6. ExchangeRate's methods can't be tested without a database because they're tightly coupled to the database implementation.
  7. Anything that wants to load an ExchangeRate will be tightly coupled to the static ExchangeRate.Load(...) method, meaning we'll have to manually change all those references to other load methods if we want to load from a different location at a later date. It also means that those referencers can't be tested without a database either!

Improving OOP Using SOLID

The principles of SOLID give a framework for building robust, future-proof code. The 'S' (Single Responsibility Principle) and the 'D' (Dependency Inversion Principle) are great places to start and yield the biggest benefits at this stage of development.

The dependency inversion principle can be a hard one to grasp at first but is simply that wherever our class tightly couples itself to another class using a direct reference to its Type (i.e. the new keyword or calls to static methods), we should instead find some other way of giving our class an instance of that Type referenced by it's most abstract interface that we need, thereby decoupling our class from specific implementations. This will become clearer as the example progresses.

The single responsibility principle is exactly what you'd expect it to be, that each object should have just one responsibility.

Here's all the responsibilities that the ExchangeRate class currently has:

  1. Hold information representing an exchange rate
  2. Save exchange rate information to a database
  3. Load exchange rate information from a database
  4. Create ExchangeRate instances from loaded information
  5. Validate exchange rate information

Since these are separate responsibilities, there should be a separate class for each.

Here's a quick pass of refactoring ExchangeRate according to these two principles:

public class ExchangeRate
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string FromCurrency { get; set; }
    public string ToCurrency { get; set; }
    public double Ratio { get; set; }

public class ExchangeRateSaver
    public void Save(Connection conn, ExchangeRate ex)        
        // TODO: write properties to table

public interface IExchangeRateFactory
    ExchangeRate Create(string from, ...);

public class ExchangeRateFactory : IExchangeRateFactory
    public ExchangeRate Create(string from, ...)
        return new ExchangeRate(from, to, rate);

public class ExchangeRateLoader
    private readonly IExchangeRateFactory _factory;

    public ExchangeRateLoader(IExchangeRateFactory factory)
        _factory = factory;

    public ExchangeRate Load(Connection connection, int id)
        // TODO: Read values from table
        return _factory.Create(value1, value2, value3);

public class ExchangeRateValidator
    public bool Validate(ExchangeRate ex)
        // Validate currency codes
        // Validate that ratio > 0

Code grouped in this manner is described as being functionally cohesive. Functional cohesion is considered by many to lead to the most reusable, flexible and maintainable code.

By breaking the code down into separate classes, each with a single responsibility, we have grouped the code by its functional relationships instead of its logical ones. Consuming code and tests can now swap in and out individual chunks of isolated functionality as needed, instead of carting around one monolithic, catch-all class.

Additionally, by inverting the dependencies of ExchangeRateLoader and ExchangeRateSaver, we have improved the testability of the code as well as allowing for any type of connection to be used, not just a SQL one. The benefits of dependency inversion are compounded as more and more classes become involved in a project.

What about the "OLI" in "SOLID"?

The 'O' (Open/Closed Principle) and 'L' (Liskov Substitution Principle) aren't applicable to this example as they relate to revisiting existing production code and to inheritance, respectively.

The 'I' (Interface Segregation Principle) states that no client should be forced to depend on methods it does not use and, for the most part in this example, has been covered by adhering to the Single Responsibility Principle.

If you'd like to see an example of situations when the outcome of applying the ISP and SRP differ, or an example of applying the Open/Close and Liskov substitution principles, let me know in the comments.

In Closing

Hopefully this article has begun to shed some light on how "good" object-oriented code is achieved and how it leads to more flexible, testable and future-proof code.

If you'd like for me to expand on any specific points, or cover how this becomes ever more important as the scale of a project grows, let me know in the comments and I'll do a follow up post!

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Learning Java through Android


I often get the hankering to toy with a language other than C#. It's always interesting to see what other languages do differently, think about why, and possibly even carry those concepts back to .NET.

Java is a big portion of the industry and also a language I didn't know much about, so I got a hold of the Android development tools and had a bit of a hack.

Here are my initial thoughts!

Android != Java

Though Android code is written in Java, it's an older version of Java, so you miss out on these cool Java 8 features that are actually pretty familiar to a C# developer.

Additionally, most of the code you write for Android is leveraging the Android framework - which is unsurprising given the context - but means that there's limited knowledge that can be transferred to Java development in general.

Java != C#

With all the comparisons drawn between C# and Java, you could be forgiven for thinking you'll be able to hit the ground running with no prior knowledge of Java.

It's fairer to say that you'll hit the ground, stumble a bit, then be up to running speed quicker than you think.

Java is Less Militant

There's an air of flexibility in Java development that doesn't exist in C# which can trip you up if you're not careful.

Overridden methods are a great example. In Java, a method being able to be overridden is opt out, whereas in C# it's opt in - an important distinction.

Here's an override in C#:

public class BaseClass 
    // *virtual* says this method can be overridden
    // (opt in)
    public virtual void DoStuff()

    // lack of *virtual* says this method can't be overridden
    public void DoOtherStuff()

public class DerivedClass : BaseClass
    // If we miss the override keyword, the compiler complains
    // that we need either *override* or *new* to explicitly
    // define our expected behaviour for this method
    public override void DoStuff() 

And here's an override in Java:

public class BaseClass 
    // lack of *final* says this method can be overridden
    public void DoStuff() 

    // *final* says this method can't be overridden
    // (opt out)
    public final void DoOtherStuff() 

public class DerivedClass extends BaseClass
    // This override annotation is completely optional.
    // If we don't include it, the method still gets overridden!
    // If we do include it, the compiler will check that there's a
    // method to override.
    public void DoStuff() 


It may not have all of the wonderful features of C# right now (e.g. async/await), but in its flexibility, Java brings its own flavour to the table and is a fantastic language in its own right.

I personally prefer a strict development environment, but you only have to take a quick look at a Python forum to know that not everybody feels the same way.

Whichever way you lean, I recommend that you give Java a fair chance, it's a great change of pace and good fun too!

Sunday, 19 April 2015

async/await: An Unexpected Journey


I recently ran into an issue when using async/await with SqlBulkCopy's WriteToServerAsync method and a bespoke implementation of IDataReader, the root cause of which was so surprising that I just had to post about it!

The Problem

The basic process was implemented as follows:

  • Set the current thread's culture to Spanish (es-ES)
  • Await (configured to preserve the culture) a SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServerAsync call with a custom reader
  • Custom reader uses the current thread's culture to decide which resources to use

Expected behaviour:

Due to how async/await and ConfigureAwait preserve the Synchronization Context, it was expected that the custom reader would find the current thread's culture to be Spanish and locate the appropriate Spanish resource files accordingly.

Actual behaviour:

The reader found the current thread's culture to be Spanish, but only sometimes. At varying intervals during a single awaited call to SqlBulkCopy's WriteToServerAsync, the thread on which the reader's Read was executed forgot the culture, reverting to english!

The Investigation

It didn't take too long to identify that the issue was occurring within SqlBulkCopy's WriteToServerAsync method and wasn't anything I had invoked myself, so I popped open the reference source for SqlBulkCopy and through some digging I found this:

private Task WriteRowSourceToServerAsync(
                int columnCount, 
                CancellationToken ctoken) 
    Task reconnectTask = _connection._currentReconnectionTask;
    if (reconnectTask != null && !reconnectTask.IsCompleted) 
        if (this._isAsyncBulkCopy)
            TaskCompletionSource<object> tcs = 
                        new TaskCompletionSource<object>();

            reconnectTask.ContinueWith((t) =>
                Task writeTask = WriteRowSourceToServerAsync(

                if (writeTask == null) 
                                    () => tcs.SetResult(null));
            }, ctoken); 

            return tcs.Task;
            // Trimmed for brevity, check the reference source
            // for the full method if interested.

Looking at this code, the question immediately became:

Is async/await's SynchronizationContext implicitly
preserved by TPL's ContinueWith?

The Answer

Evidently, the answer is no, TPL's ContinueWith does not implicitly preserve async/await's SynchronizationContext.

Where async/await uses SynchronizationContext, TPL uses TaskScheduler. The only way to preserve the SynchronizationContext with ContinueWith is to pass a TaskScheduler copied from the current SynchronizationContext when calling it:

await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1))
              (t) => 
                  // whatever you like 
              // Handy helper method!

Seeing as I don't own the code in which the call to ContinueWith is being made, adding the call to TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext isn't really an option.

The quick fix here was to simply restore the current thread's culture to Spanish at the start of the custom reader's Read method before proceeding. (This isn't so much a fix as it is a workaround, but it achieves the desired result with minimum impact. Sometimes doing it cleanly is better than doing it "right".)

Final Thoughts

The take away from this is to remember that just because a method returns an awaitable Task doesn't necessarily mean that the Task being returned uses async/await in its implementation, it could well be using TPL and ContinueWith, in which case your SynchronizationContext won't be preserved.

If you run into an issue where async/await and an asynchronous method you didn't write aren't behaving consistently as expected, be sure to check the reference source for how the asynchronous method is implemented and proceed accordingly.

Monday, 13 April 2015

Event Handlers and C# 6's Null-Propagating Operator

I've previously waxed lyrical about the incredibly cool null-propagating operator coming in C# 6.0, but Jon Skeet recently raised an excellent point regarding event handlers.


Since the null-propagating operator can be used with method calls, what once had to be written as:

if (eventHandler != null)
    eventHandler(this, args);

Will soon be able to be written as:

eventHandler?.Invoke(this, args);

I think we can all agree that the latter is cleaner!

If you'd like to know more, then be sure to read the full post on Jon Skeet's blog and follow him if you aren't already, as he always goes into incredibly well considered depth on a topic!

Friday, 13 February 2015

Liquid for C#: Defining Success


In the High-Level Overview for this series I mentioned that I'll need a way to measure the success of this project as it progresses.

As this project's aim is to create a one for one replica of the Ruby implementation of Liquid's behaviour, I will be porting Liquid's integration tests to C# and following a test driven approach.

What's in a Name?

Though they have been called integration tests in Liquid's code, the majority of these tests are in fact functional acceptance tests, which is what makes them useful for confirming that the behaviour of the system is correct.

Unit Test

Tests the behaviour of a single system component in a controlled environment.

Integration Test

Tests the behaviour of major components of a system working together.

Functional Acceptance Test

Tests that the system, per the technical specification, produces the expected output for each given input.

Unit and integration tests verify that the code you've written is doing what it was written to do, while functional acceptance tests verify that the system as a whole, without consideration for the structure of its internal components, does what it is designed to do.

Any Port in a Storm

There are hundreds of tests to port to C# and, as it turns out, not all of the tests in the Ruby implementation's integration namespace are integration or functional acceptance tests... some are unit tests!

The porting process is therefore a matter of replicating the original tests as faithfully as possible, translating them into functional acceptance tests where needed.

A test that ported smoothly

# Ruby
def test_for_with_range
        ' 1  2  3 ',
        '{%for item in (1..3) %} {{item}} {%endfor%}')
// C#
public void TestForWithRange()
        " 1  2  3 ", 
        "{%for item in (1..3) %} {{item}} {%endfor%}");

A test that needed translation

# Ruby - The below are unit tests
#        for methods escape and h
def test_escape
    assert_equal '<strong>', @filters.escape('<strong>')
    assert_equal '<strong>', @filters.h('<strong>')
// C# - Rewritten as a test of the 
//      output expected from a template
public void TestEscape()
        "{{ '<strong>' | escape }}");

When translating from a unit or integration test to a functional acceptance test, I'm using the documentation and wiki as the design specification. This ensures that the tested behaviour is the templating language's expected behaviour, not just the behaviour I expect!

What's Next?

Once all of the tests are ported, the next step will be to start writing the code to pass those tests. Remember, in Test Driven Development we start with failing tests and then write the code to make those tests pass.

The AssertTemplateResult method mentioned earlier currently looks like this:

protected void AssertTemplateResult(
                   string expected, 
                   string source)
    // TODO: implement me!
    throw new NotImplementedException();

There's still a few hundred more tests to port yet, though, so wish me luck!

Monday, 9 February 2015

Liquid for C#: High-Level Overview


In the Liquid For C# series, I will be writing a C# interpretor for the Liquid templating language from scratch.

In this first post I define the project's scope and overall intention. Code does not factor into this stage at all, it's purely about the API's purpose, not it's implementation.

Broad Strokes

The first step in any project is to define what it will be doing at the highest level. Ideally, this should be expressible as a single sentence or a simple diagram.

This project's definition is deceptively simple: Template + Data = Output.

Armed with this very general definition, the next step is to break the overall process into broad, functionally cohesive chunks. I find that this is best achieved by running through potential use cases. The below is the outcome of that process.

It immediately jumps out at me that the Abstract Syntax Tree and steps that follow are implementation agnostic. This means that they are not specific to Liquid and, because of this, can be re-used in any templating language interpretor.

Defining Success

The question then becomes one of how to know when the project fulfils its purpose.

As the aim of this project is to provide a full C# implementation of Liquid's behaviour as it is currently implemented in Ruby, I will port all of the integration tests for Liquid to C# and follow a Test Driven Development approach. I will only consider the project to be a success when it passes all of the original tests.

What Next?

In bigger teams or projects its necessary to delve much deeper in the design phase, going as far as to define the interfaces for the API and how they plug together so that all involved parties can work independently without going off in completely different directions.

Since this is just me working on a hobby project, though, I'll instead be taking a very iterative approach and in the next post I'll be writing code!

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Restructuring DotLiquid: Part 3

The Issue at Hand

For those who didn't know, DotLiquid is a straight C# port of Liquid, a library written in Ruby.

The Ruby programming language is significantly different to C#, so even best-effort attempts at like-for-like reconstruction of the library inevitably lead to structural issues in the API's design.

Lost in Translation

The structural issues that come from direct porting include:

  • Excessive use of static classes.
  • Excessive use of Reflection.
  • Lack of Object Oriented design, leading to inflexibility.
  • Duplicate code. Tight knit classes force code to be repeated.
  • Excessive boxing and unboxing, leading to degraded performance.

That's not to do down DotLiquid though, which is an exceptional direct port of the original library, as for the majority of cases it is more than fast enough and anyone who has written code using the Ruby implementation of Liquid will be able to pick up DotLiquid and use it in the exact same way without hesitation.

In my quest to produce the perfect API, however, my implementation has become so far removed from DotLiquid's interface, implementation and intent that I have decided to start afresh.

Be sure to come back for my next post, where I'll begin the high level design process for the API including how and why I'll be drawing distinct boundaries between its elements.