Tuesday, 30 December 2014

The When and Why: Properties and Fields

Fields and Properties are two important concepts that come up very early on when learning to code. Due to their surface level similarities it can be a confusing process understanding when to use each of them and why.


Only ever use fields with the private access modifier. They can be used with protected or public but it's generally poor practice and I'll explain why later.

Use properties for all non-private scenarios, even if the properties are auto-implemented. You can also use them in a private context when implementing get and set logic.

public class ExampleClass
    // This particular field is used as a 'backing' field
    // for PropertyWithLogic
    private int _myField;

    // protected, so a property, even though its an auto-property
    protected string AutoProperty { get; set; } 

    // private but has logic, so a property
    private int PropertyWithLogic
        get { return _myField; }
        set { _myField = value >= 0 ? value : 0; } 


Good Object Oriented Programming is all about encapsulation, separating the interface of a class from its implementation. Interfaces are the blueprints for what a class should do, Classes are the how it does it.

The signature and implementation of a field are inseparable. That is to say, there is no separation of the what of a field (getting and setting of a value) from the how of a field (storing the value in memory). For this reason, fields are an implementation detail and can't be part of an interface.

Properties, on the other hand, separate signature from implementation. In the below example, the interface specifies that implementations must provide a property that you can get and it's the classes that define how that property is implemented.

public interface IExample
    string Description { get; }

public class Example1 : IExample
    // Returns a hard-coded string.
    public string Description
        get { return "Example1"; }

public class Example2 : IExample
    private int _id;
    private DateTime _createdDate;

    // Performs some logic to return a string
    // that includes some member field values.
    public string Description
            return string.Format(
                        "Example2, id: {0}, created: {1}",

public class Example3 : IExample
    // Not implemented. Throws an exception when accessed.
    public string Description
            throw new NotImplementedException("Todo!");

public class Example4 : IExample
    // Auto-property implementation, will return whatever
    // we set the value to.  Value is stored in an
    // automatically generated backing field.
    public string Description { get; set; }

Keeping interfaces separate from implementation in this way is a critical step in keeping the code you are writing from collapsing under its own weight over time.

An additional reason to use public automatic properties rather than public fields is that should you later need to add logic to the getter or setter, swapping from a field to a property is a breaking change for serialization as well as being a breaking change for backwards compatibility between dependent assemblies. Taking the time to do it right now will save you unnecessary difficulty when the application has grown or live data is involved.

Further Reading

This post has been all about fields versus properties, but it's worth noting that there's also a separate and equally important discussion of properties versus methods. Check out this excellent MSDN article comparing properties and methods.

I mention variations on the following topics in almost all Further Readings because understanding them inside and out means the difference between writing code that works and writing code that works and stands the test of time.

Even if you disagree with elements of generally accepted object oriented programming theory and go your own route, it's still an invaluable asset to have and I strongly recommend taking the time to assimilate it.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

The When and Why: Dependency Injection

Dependency Injection is one form of Inversion of Control - a collection of programming patterns focused on minimising your classes' direct reliance on each other, known as their coupling.

In its simplest form Dependency Injection just means to provide an object its dependencies instead of having the object create them for itself.


In any class where you use the new keyword to instantiate another class, you should think about using Dependency Injection instead. It may feel like overkill at first but the benefits are big and get bigger as the application grows in size.

Here's a real world before and after example and I'll explain the why of it straight after.


public class CustomerService
    private const string SqlConnectionString = 

    private const string LoggingFilePath = 

    private readonly ILogger _logger;
    private readonly IDataContext _context;

    public CustomerService()
        // In this example all of the services create
        // their own logger and data context instance when
        // they are created.
        // The classes FileLogger and SqlDataContext are this
        // class's 'dependencies' because they are needed in 
        // order for this class to compile.
        _logger = new FileLogger(LoggingFilePath);
        _context = new SqlDataContext(SqlConnectionString);

    public IEnumerable<Customer> GetCustomers(int accountID)
        // TODO: Use logger to log
        // TODO: Use context to get customers for account ID

public static class Application()
    public static void Main()
        var service = new CustomerService();
        foreach (var customer in service.GetCustomers(55))


public class CustomerService
    private readonly ILogger _logger;
    private readonly IDataContext _context;

    public CustomerService(IDataContext context, ILogger logger)
        // In this example instead of instantiating the 
        // dependencies themselves, the service classes like 
        // CustomerService expect them to be passed in.
        // Taking them via the constructor is known as 
        // 'Constructor Injection' and is the preferred method
        // of Dependency Injection because it forces the
        // developer to provide the right dependencies before
        // the class can be used.
        _logger = logger;
        _context = context;

    public IEnumerable<Customer> GetCustomers(int accountID)
        // TODO: Use logger to log
        // TODO: Use context to get customers for account ID

public static class Application()
    private const string SqlConnectionString = 

    private const string LoggingFilePath = 

    public static void Main()
        // This is messier than it was but the mess is now in
        // a single location which can be easily tightened up 
        // using a DI framework such as Ninject or Unity.
        var logger = new FileLogger(LoggingFilePath);
        var context = new SqlDataContext(SqlConnectionString);
        var service = new CustomerService();
        foreach (var customer in service.GetCustomers(55))


There are many convincing reasons to follow the Dependency Injection pattern, I'll cover a few of them here.

Implementation Agnosticism

The before example enforces the use of SqlDataContext and FileLogger. It doesn't need those specific implementations to work properly, it actually just needs something that implements IDataContext and something that implements ILogger in order for it to perform its responsibility of getting the customers, but the implementation in before has specified a concrete implementation anyway.

If we wanted one Customer Service in our application to log to a file and another to log to a database, the pattern in before would force us to either copy paste the whole class to make this small change or start specifying different enums or booleans to pick a context Type on the constructor and, as a result, would seriously harm the scalability of the application by coupling this class with every implementation it could possibly be used with.

The Customer Service in the after example is much more flexible because it does not arbitrarily restrict us to working with certain implementations of the interface. The class definition is also much clearer about exactly what the Customer Service needs in order to function correctly and also what it's purpose is: Getting customers from any given IDataContext and logging about it.

Avoiding unnecessary usage restrictions and minimising Class Coupling like this is the key to developing maintainable systems that don't become exponentially more complicated to work with as the codebase grows.

Single Responsibility Principle

Having a single responsibility makes the class more likely to be reusable, more accessible and more easily tested. Beyond making the programmer's life easier there's a structural benefit to the Single Responsibility Principle too.

CustomerService Responsibilities BeforeCustomerService Responsibilities After
Create Log File ConnectionGetting the Customers
Create Database Context
Getting the Customers

We can't open the same file twice, so to share a FileLogger between classes using the approach in before we'd have to make the logger available as a public static. If we ever need to change the SQL connection string for the application, we'd have to make sure we update it in all locations or make the connection string a static variable, too.

You might be tempted to resolve these sorts of issues by making everything static and publicly available but making everything public and static is an anti-pattern and doesn't resolve the issue anyway, it just hides the issue long enough for you to write a few thousand more lines of code before reaching a scenario it can't handle.

An example of such a scenario would be needing the logger and data context to live longer than a customer service but not forever and not globally across the application - for the duration of an individual web request, for instance.

Managing the lifespan of class instances as a separate responsibility and injecting them into their dependents keeps code from being bogged down under ever-changing business requirements.

Unit Testing

Unit Testing is the act of testing individual units of functionality in your code to prove that specific expectations are met. For example, a useful Unit Test for CustomerService would be GetCustomers Gets Only Customers For Provided Account, where we test to ensure that the implementation only retrieves customers with a matching account ID.

Because we don't control which ILogger and IDataContext implementations the Customer Service gets in the before example, if we were to test GetCustomers then we'd be including the workings of SqlDataContext and FileLogger within that test too. If the SQL database has the wrong data or FileLogger had a bug, then the GetCustomers Gets Only Customers For Provided Account test would fail, even if the core logic of GetCustomers is correct.

A good Unit Test tests a small, specific unit of code. In the after example, we can pass in whatever implementations of ILogger and IDataContext best suit our needs. In the real code, we provide a SqlDataContext and FileLogger. In the Unit Test, however, we can provide an implementation of ILogger that does nothing and an IDataContext implementation that provides a specific set of records for testing whether GetCustomers does its job properly given that data.

Unit Testing is very much a topic in its own right. It's well worth getting an understanding.

Further Reading

The topics touched upon in this post are well worth investigating in the own right. Here are a few links to articles that provide a broader understanding of them individually and I recommend searching for as much information as you can find on each of them.

A Challenge

See if you can write an entire application where the new keyword is used in only one class and all other classes have their dependencies injected via their constructor!

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Useful LINQ Extensions You Might Not Know

If you've used LINQ for any period of time then you've no doubt come to appreciate the power, abstraction of responsibilities and expressiveness of it. You'll be used to extension methods such as Select, Where, Group and so on, but there are a few gems in the System.LINQ library that you just don't know until you know.


No doubt you're familiar with the Select extension method. SelectMany is similar, but produces a flat result set instead of a relational one. So when you would ordinarily work with Select like so:

public class Parent
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public List<string> Children { get; set; }

// The below gives us a list of lists...
var children = parents.Select(s => s.Children);

// ...which means going through them like this:
foreach (var childGroup in children)
    foreach (var child in childGroup)
        // Do work here

You can, instead, use SelectMany to flatten the results!

var children = parents.SelectMany(s => s.Children);

foreach (var child in children)
    // Do work here

If you need access to the parent as well as the child for every row like a SQL join, you can add a result selector:

var relationships = 
               s => s.Children, 
               (parent, child) => new { parent, child });

foreach (var relationship in relationships)
    // Do work here
    // i.e. relationship.parent.Name or relationship.child


If you've ever needed to cast the elements of an enumerable to a different Type, you've probably written it like this:

var specificEnumerable = originalEnumerable
                            .Select(s => (SpecificType)s);

You can write this more expressively using the Cast method:

var specificEnumerable = originalEnumerable


Cast is all well and good so long as the items in the enumerable are all of the same Type, but there are times when you have a mixture of Types and only want the items of a particular Type. You may be tempted to write the following:

var onlySpecificEnumerable = originalEnumerable
                                .Where(w => w is SpecificType)
                                .Select(s => (SpecificType)s);
// or, perhaps:
var onlySpecificEnumerable = originalEnumerable
                                .Select(s => s as SpecificType)
                                .Where(w => w != null);

The OfType extension performs the same filter plus cast action as the above, but with cleaner syntax and less room for mistakes!

var onlySpecificEnumerable = originalEnumerable