Friday, 13 February 2015

Liquid for C#: Defining Success


In the High-Level Overview for this series I mentioned that I'll need a way to measure the success of this project as it progresses.

As this project's aim is to create a one for one replica of the Ruby implementation of Liquid's behaviour, I will be porting Liquid's integration tests to C# and following a test driven approach.

What's in a Name?

Though they have been called integration tests in Liquid's code, the majority of these tests are in fact functional acceptance tests, which is what makes them useful for confirming that the behaviour of the system is correct.

Unit Test

Tests the behaviour of a single system component in a controlled environment.

Integration Test

Tests the behaviour of major components of a system working together.

Functional Acceptance Test

Tests that the system, per the technical specification, produces the expected output for each given input.

Unit and integration tests verify that the code you've written is doing what it was written to do, while functional acceptance tests verify that the system as a whole, without consideration for the structure of its internal components, does what it is designed to do.

Any Port in a Storm

There are hundreds of tests to port to C# and, as it turns out, not all of the tests in the Ruby implementation's integration namespace are integration or functional acceptance tests... some are unit tests!

The porting process is therefore a matter of replicating the original tests as faithfully as possible, translating them into functional acceptance tests where needed.

A test that ported smoothly

# Ruby
def test_for_with_range
        ' 1  2  3 ',
        '{%for item in (1..3) %} {{item}} {%endfor%}')
// C#
public void TestForWithRange()
        " 1  2  3 ", 
        "{%for item in (1..3) %} {{item}} {%endfor%}");

A test that needed translation

# Ruby - The below are unit tests
#        for methods escape and h
def test_escape
    assert_equal '<strong>', @filters.escape('<strong>')
    assert_equal '<strong>', @filters.h('<strong>')
// C# - Rewritten as a test of the 
//      output expected from a template
public void TestEscape()
        "{{ '<strong>' | escape }}");

When translating from a unit or integration test to a functional acceptance test, I'm using the documentation and wiki as the design specification. This ensures that the tested behaviour is the templating language's expected behaviour, not just the behaviour I expect!

What's Next?

Once all of the tests are ported, the next step will be to start writing the code to pass those tests. Remember, in Test Driven Development we start with failing tests and then write the code to make those tests pass.

The AssertTemplateResult method mentioned earlier currently looks like this:

protected void AssertTemplateResult(
                   string expected, 
                   string source)
    // TODO: implement me!
    throw new NotImplementedException();

There's still a few hundred more tests to port yet, though, so wish me luck!

Monday, 9 February 2015

Liquid for C#: High-Level Overview


In the Liquid For C# series, I will be writing a C# interpretor for the Liquid templating language from scratch.

In this first post I define the project's scope and overall intention. Code does not factor into this stage at all, it's purely about the API's purpose, not it's implementation.

Broad Strokes

The first step in any project is to define what it will be doing at the highest level. Ideally, this should be expressible as a single sentence or a simple diagram.

This project's definition is deceptively simple: Template + Data = Output.

Armed with this very general definition, the next step is to break the overall process into broad, functionally cohesive chunks. I find that this is best achieved by running through potential use cases. The below is the outcome of that process.

It immediately jumps out at me that the Abstract Syntax Tree and steps that follow are implementation agnostic. This means that they are not specific to Liquid and, because of this, can be re-used in any templating language interpretor.

Defining Success

The question then becomes one of how to know when the project fulfils its purpose.

As the aim of this project is to provide a full C# implementation of Liquid's behaviour as it is currently implemented in Ruby, I will port all of the integration tests for Liquid to C# and follow a Test Driven Development approach. I will only consider the project to be a success when it passes all of the original tests.

What Next?

In bigger teams or projects its necessary to delve much deeper in the design phase, going as far as to define the interfaces for the API and how they plug together so that all involved parties can work independently without going off in completely different directions.

Since this is just me working on a hobby project, though, I'll instead be taking a very iterative approach and in the next post I'll be writing code!

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Restructuring DotLiquid: Part 3

The Issue at Hand

For those who didn't know, DotLiquid is a straight C# port of Liquid, a library written in Ruby.

The Ruby programming language is significantly different to C#, so even best-effort attempts at like-for-like reconstruction of the library inevitably lead to structural issues in the API's design.

Lost in Translation

The structural issues that come from direct porting include:

  • Excessive use of static classes.
  • Excessive use of Reflection.
  • Lack of Object Oriented design, leading to inflexibility.
  • Duplicate code. Tight knit classes force code to be repeated.
  • Excessive boxing and unboxing, leading to degraded performance.

That's not to do down DotLiquid though, which is an exceptional direct port of the original library, as for the majority of cases it is more than fast enough and anyone who has written code using the Ruby implementation of Liquid will be able to pick up DotLiquid and use it in the exact same way without hesitation.

In my quest to produce the perfect API, however, my implementation has become so far removed from DotLiquid's interface, implementation and intent that I have decided to start afresh.

Be sure to come back for my next post, where I'll begin the high level design process for the API including how and why I'll be drawing distinct boundaries between its elements.